Happy New Year! Sorry about the lack of posts...I am still waiting for our christmas pictures to migrate from Nolan's camera to our computer so I can post them on here! Disclaimer: the following may all look familiar to some of you. Sorry I'm not more creative.
Last night we went to my aunt's house in Livermore to visit their family and Oma, who is still visiting from the East Coast. She made a delicious all-German dinner, complete with Knoedels and Gluehwein! Nolan was broken in to delicious German food and drink, and we fought over the last Knoedel, which is a sort of potato dumpling that you MUST eat with gravy or it's a little...well, look:

Apparently my dad calls them sinkers because they sink right to the bottom of your stomach, haha! And the Gluehwein was fantastic too! Hot mulled wine is a tradition at Christmas in Germany. Literally translated it means "glowing (as in heat) wine", and it is delicious!

I guess that is all for today. Still no pics. I actually HAD the camera in my hand this weekend while I was sitting AT the computer. But alas, no cable to be found. Sad, too, because we have an EXCELLENT video of my dad hula hooping on the wii fit. So close, yet so far...
Also, I am just about done with this cold weather. For Christmas, Nolan got a Brookstone alarm clock that does all sorts of things, from my dad, whose name is Bob. Normally that has nothing to do with anything, except the alarm clock is also called the "Bob". See for yourself
here. His reasoning would be so that now, Nolan can take Bob everywhere with him. Bob will wake him up in the mornings. Bob will sit in his office with him. They both thought that was pretty hilarious. ANYway, so we check Bob every day to see how cold it is in our house. Yesterday when we woke up, it was 46 degrees INSIDE our house! There's something we need to fix...