Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Nothing much has been happening here. It's cool to hear about Nolan's life-changing experiences over the phone or via email or IM, and then realize that I too, have a duty to do something meaningful with my life. Of course, I still have to figure out what that is...but I guess that is what life is all about, right? The pursuit of God, love, and happiness (consequently, I think the first brings about the latter two), and that feeling at the end of the day of being able to go to bed knowing that you LIVED life. Ahhh. Here's to the adventure...

Nolan comes home in exactly 2 weeks from today, so, readers, hopefully we can start giving "family" updates then instead of continent-to-continent updates on where we each are individually...though that is important too (though not necessarily what this blog is about). Nolan was right to start his own, since this one is mostly, as the name implies, about "The Caldwells". I hope you are still reading it, though, because it truly is amazing to see a window into another world that I think we lose touch with, more than is healthy or beneficial.

News-wise: we are planning on moving into a new apartment (same area, though) before September 1. So keep your eyes peeled for a new address soon-ish.


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