Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's been awhile...

My posting on here has been kind of sporatic...sorry readers. Let's see, where was I last time...

Nolan loves my new haircut, in case any of you were wondering...and so do I! My head feels so much lighter and it is SO easy to style now. He is leaving in 2 weeks from tomorrow, so I am starting to feel like I should spend more time with him before he goes and I'm lonely without him :( On the other hand, Cindus arrived last Wednesday, and is traveling already, but will be around during the summer to keep me company, hooray!

My boss is coming over for dinner on Friday night. Her niece is also coming, since she will be staying with Susan :) So far I haven't been too nervous about it, but now that I am realizing I will have about 30 min to whip something together and make sure the house is clean, the pressure is on. Dangit.

My birthday is coming up! How exciting! 20 days until I am 23! I find that as I get older, my list of "wanted" items dwindles. I really can never think of anything except for money anymore...except for this year I want a Wii!!! But I mean we'll see if I get it (hint hint). No wonder my parents never can tell me what they want for presents--you stop wanting stuff! Maybe that is a good thing, maybe it's a little bit depressing...I think Nolan and I are going to celebrate my birthday and our first anniversary (!) after he gets back so that we can relax and make a weekend out of it or something. Maybe a getaway! We'll see. Either way, I'm excited. At least he'll be here for Milo's bday, haha!

In 25ish days, I get to see an old roommate, a bible study leader who is getting married that day, and my in-laws; THAT is exciting!


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