Thursday, May 29, 2008


For brevity's sake, and my (not so) secret goal of defeating the expert level of minesweeper today, I'll simply write that my memorial day weekend was glorious. Good food, family, and lots of fun. The newest Indiana Jones movie = okay, but I hated the sci-fi elements. Oh well. Milo had a blast. As usual, he wreaked havoc and ran amok all weekend, until the very end, when he refused to surrender himself from under the house and engaged in a battle of wits with my mother...which he lost:) Now he is filthy, and I'm pretty sure he is getting a bath tonight, if he can stand it.

For those of you who don't read my personal blog, my ear has been weird the last two days. I can't hear out of it (the right one) and it feels numb when I touch it. I tried decongestant before bed last night, and cleaned my ears thoroughly, and today I lavaged it at lunch--no deal. It worked for a second and now it is even worse. I dunno what the deal is, but I'm gonna look into a quality ENT here. Mother(s) dearest, have any suggestions for me?

Also, today I (drumroll please)...cut my hair! I may post a picture when I take one, but in all reality that won't be for awhile unless Laura takes pictures of us at small group this Sunday. We'll see. Until then, know that I am learning to love it! It is a little above the shoulders (!), with layers at my chin. I just had to change something cause I felt like I had the same length hair as all the 7-year-olds I see around town. I can't wait to go home and shower and play around with styling it! And hopefully Nolan will like it, too (I haven't told him yet!).

That is all the news for today...OH and I am picking up Cindus at the airport in less than a week, so we'll have another woman in the house for a couple weeks! Hooray for estrogen! hahaha


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