Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back to the cold

Our warm weather didn't last the whole 10 days as predicted. Oh San Francisco.

I didn't run in Bay to Breakers. Long story, but basically I ended up at home reading and Nolan texted me all the exciting events from the race while he was there :)

My wonderful in-laws are coming to visit this weekend...hooray! I am going to start planning fun stuff to do and maybe even get stuff to cook dinner with! I seldom get a chance to cook nice meals, so this will be fun :)

I am still deciding which volunteer opportunity to take. I can either do one that teaches illiterate adults to read, or one that teaches English as a second language to people. One is a six-month commitment, and one is a year-long commitment, and one of them is in the city, and one is in Menlo Park. So I have all these things to consider. I am leaning towards the ESL one, but we'll see what happens. I'm just not sure if I can commit to a full year program, when things are always changing in my life right now. The literacy one is a year long, and I want to do it, but a year is a long time...then again, the ESL one sounds fantastic, but it is in Menlo Park. Eeek. We'll see.

Milo got his first birthday present/card in the mail yesterday (and it had a little treat for his mother in there, too!)! Nolan has been begging me to let him open it, but I told him he will just have to wait until June 23, when Milo can open it himself :)

Anyway, that is all the news for now...over and out!

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