Monday, April 21, 2008

busy weeks...

My coworker is gone for the next few weeks, and so my work life is going to be really hectic! I will be not only busy with my usual tasks, but taking on hers as well. Yikes!

We got to see Mamma Mia! this weekend with my family, and it was really good! I loved it! Nolan pointed out that the theme was a bit depressing ("marriage/commitment are pointless and stupid"), but I mean if you can get past that, haha, it's fabulous!

We are in the process of trying to decide where to live next year. Do we want to stay in our apartment that we love? Do we want to move closer or try to find a place with a laundry facility? Do we want to find a pet-friendly place so Milo won't have to be a stowaway? Do we want a two bedroom so Nolan can have an enclosed office? These are all questions we're asking ourselves. We love our apartment, and the neighbourhood is growing on us. The things are just those--very few places around here have offices, and we aren't sure we can affored a two bedroom...but on the otherhand, we'd LOVE to have a laundry facility to save us time and money, and maybe a place closer to the school. Milo is not really an issue since we're on a "don't ask, don't tell" policy with our landlord, who's parents live downstairs and have a tiny dog that howls on the weekends :)

Nolan is super excited to be starting his brain mind and behavior block at school. He's gifted with that area of knowledge (as he is with most areas!), and is looking forward to the challenge it will offer him. Plus, he gets to dissect a brain! How fun is that!

I'm at this fantastic place with my company where I am being challenged and offered new opportunities every day. Maybe I will get my MBA one day? Who knows! But I am loving my work right now!

I'd better get off so I can go home! I got Nolan and I both new shoes (they were on sale!), and am so excited to show him, hehe. Plus he desperately needs them! He has his fancy new watch and jeans, so all he was missing was the shoes :) I'm so proud of myself...Also we're experimenting with Asian cooking tonight and making a little cooking-date night out of it, so I'm excited about that!

That's it for now...


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