Friday, April 4, 2008

Here we are!

We've been in San Francisco for almost 8 months now, and we're finally starting to warm up to the city! Hooray! There are obviously a lot of things we're still trying to get used to, like the flocks of people everywhere and the cramped quarters, but overall, the city has a lot of charms to offer! For example, we have tasted some of the most interesting foods so far, and found little niches that we our local frozen yogurt spot :) Not to mention all of the fabulous hotspots and fun things to do there are for people our age!

I thought it would be wise to start blogging about our adventures, since we love to keep people up to date on our lives, but sometimes we fall behind in actually doing voila! Here we are.

Nolan has decided to go off to Uganda for the summer to do some research on Emergency Medicine. I'll be here in the city working for those 2 months, with various people coming to visit/keep me and Milo company, and roadtrips in my plans! He's super excited to be going, but I'm already trying to think of ways to fill my time so I don't miss him too much :) Right now he is actually at a Conference in Sacramento until tomorrow, and so I'm practicing my "living alone" skills, since I'm out of the habit. I'm having a friend over tonight though to play, so maybe that's cheating? Heh.

It's kind of a weird thing to blog for two, so until I get more ideas about what to write in here :), this is it for today, folks.



Barb said...

Fun to read about you!!! Are you getting a kickback for advertising your favorite yogurt place?
Love, Mom

neighboUr said...

I WISH!!! But the people who work there recognize us and give us two toppings for the price of one sometimes! woohoo! Since we are regulars ;)

Unknown said...

Our "triple-dose" of TuttiMellon a few weeks ago was not enough! We are going through withdrawals :)
As you know, I think, Uncle Joop has been keeping us posted with his Blog the last few weeks. I really like the concept. We, the Caldwell Sr.s may have to join the bandwagon!

neighboUr said...

haha, well watchout! it is hard to find a URL for the name Caldwell. the other one open is "thecaldwell", but it just sounded kinda funny to me.