Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday, monday

Well, start of a new week. Nolan has testing at the end of this week, and then spring break for 9 days! He has no idea what to do with himself for that long, and neither do I, but I am praying that he finds something, or we'll BOTH go crazy, haha. He has a chance to maybe go skydiving with my dad and brother, but as he is deathly afraid of heights and almost peed his pants on the giant freefalling "swing" in Costa Rica, I'm not sure if he can be talked into it or not...I, on the otherhand, have ALWAYS wanted to go skydiving, but I will be stuck at work. How sad! So we'll see what happens with that :)

We had our bible study small group, and had an unofficial hang-out night, as we're transitioning between books right now. We just finished up James and I THINK we're moving on to 1 Corinthians next. Our original plan for last night was a snack and games night, but we ended up chatting and playing an impromptu version of Trivial Pursuit, which was really just rifling through the questions to find the interesting ones and seeing who knew what :)

This week promises to be a busy one, as I had an Excel class earlier today, and an extra project I am working on for the Vice President, and an email marketing project due on Wednesday. Hurrah. At least the weather is gorgeous!


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