Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Car troubles...

Yesterday morning I ran out the door to work (earlier than normal!), and remembered we hadn't moved the car. Nolan wasn't picking up the phone and I knew he had to be at class at 8, so I thought I'd move that car + drive myself closer to work to catch an earlier Muni. There was NO parking longer than 2 hours (and ours had to last all day til Nolan could pick it up after school), and I was getting panicky about being on time to work, so I finally found a spot on 12th and Lincoln that I could stay at until Friday, when there would be street cleaning. Sweet. Nolan called last night saying he couldn't find the car, and then the feelings from 2 years washed over me again. I thought it had been stolen...until I called the police today. Either I didn't see the sign, or, as I believe (and will go back today to validate this), there WAS no sign, but apparently you can't park there between the hours of 4-7pm. It's a tow-away zone. Like I said, I had no idea. Whether there was no posted sign (in which case I'm going to court to fight it), or whether I was so panicky that I didn't see it, will soon be determined. Until then, I have to leave work early to go pay the impoundment fee and pick up the car before the fee jumps another $50 bucks. Right now we're sitting at $280. It's incredible! Oh well, things will work out. Thanks to Pres. Bush, in a couple months we'll have an extra $600 each, and then of course our tax refunds...hopefully sooner than that. Until then, we can just tighten our belts a little, and hold on for the ride :) At least we have a car still! And God has been blessing us with little financial pockets recently. A few bucks here and there and we're surviving! All this reminds me of just how blessed we are. We have money to pay rent and buy groceries (and the occasional yogurt, though I am trying to wean myself off of it...especially now!), we have an adorable little pet that keeps me company when Nolan's at meetings or away for different reasons, we still have a car that gets us around, we have an awesome church and bible study, and most of all we have each other, and that's what matters most, as cliche as that sounds. So when I reflect on all of that, I am very content. God has provided for us more than we need to be safe, healthy, AND happy! No more whining about the car incident :)

1 comment:

Barb said...

Sorry you had a tough time. Pop and I love you guys. We're praying for you.